A.How to install the D-Link modules for HP OpenView: (1) Exit HP OpenView if it is running. (2) There are two files in this package. One is the installation file, the other is program resources. (3) Both of the file names should be in UPPER CASE. (4) To execute the installation file, change the "DESxxx.INS" file mode to 755. (5) Use "./DESxxx.INS" to execute the file and begin installation. (6) After the installation is complete, set the environment variable to:"DLINKEMSHOME=/usr/OV/dlink_ems/" (7) Use the "ovw" command to restart your OpenView. B.How to Run D-Link Module: HP OpenView will find the D-Link device automatically after you install the package. You will see the D-Link device icon on the OpenView map. Select the D-Link icon and click the right button. You will find the name of the management module's main executable file at the bottom of the menu that appears. Click the name to start up the management module.